Sweet Company Poem by Josey Alfred

Sweet Company


I wandered long, in loneliness
And felt so sick, in wanton life.
Alone a life I led for long,
And knew not what is company.

Then a night, I saw in dream,
That life is just not, what I led.
So I set out on a tour,
And came to land with flowers bright.

There the rays of sun shone bright,
And all the valley dazed in charm.
Then I felt, a thirst for change
And I just fell to, quench my thirst.

I saw a pond so full of life,
Where lotus grew in abundance
I drank from it and felt it sweet!
And saw a lotus smiling at me.

With a smile I went nigh her,
And sought to know why did she smile?
Her answer still was, yet a smile
I felt my heart, then falling soft.

I took her hand and felt it warm,
And felt a tickle in my soul
She poured out tender warmth in me,
And dared I not to draw my hand.

She let me fondle tender charm
We watched the twilight, in the west,
And darkness set in all around,
She led me close, to her bosom soft.

And then she closed her petals soft,
And drew me in, to sweetest self,
We felt the bliss and ecstasy
And I learned of heaven’s grace!

Thus we sang, and danced in mirth,
And felt the joy, of this life,
‘She in her tender selflessness
Taught, me the bliss of love in life.’


Thursday, May 14, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: lifestyle
Josey Alfred

Josey Alfred

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