Take Me Poem by Tiana Isaac

Take Me

Rating: 5.0

Take me, take me my love
Hold me, and I will forever be in your arms
Sing to me your love and I will dance to your rhythm
Play me your drum of love and my shoes will never wear out from being in perfect harmony with your beat

I bless the day we met
I bless the day I set eyes on you
I bless the day I thought to take that walk
For in that day my dream became my reality
Your love lubricated my heart I will never forget

Your eyes, charming
Your smiles unlocking the gate of my heart
Your words smoothing every pain I ever felt
I wished for another moment
Another breath taking moment

Today Cinderella meets her charming prince
Her knight in shining armor
That he should be mine forever silently I wished
Take me, take me my love
And I will forever be yours

Can I see you again sounded like the rushing of many waters
The mountains shook and the earth quaked
My eyes filled with tears yet glowed
My heart skipped yet leaped for joy
My words locked yet I muttered yes
Take me, take me my love
Hold me in your arms forever

Even after so long, my bowel still crave for more
For your love is new every moment
Take me, take me my love
I am yours forever.

Love is so beautiful when shared with the right person and at the right time..
Jayne Louise Davies 25 July 2023

Congratulations on member poem of the day. Top marks *****

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Tiana Isaac 02 August 2023

thank you so so much.

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Tiana Isaac 02 August 2023

Thank you so so much. I really appreciate.

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Mohamed Mustapha 18 July 2023

Ooh! what a love song, I'm already blushing 😊 'Take me, take me my love. Im

1 0 Reply
Tiana Isaac 24 July 2023

😊thank you so much.

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Liked this love song. May I request the poet to render it in her own voice?

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Tiana Isaac 26 June 2023

Thank you so much.☺

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