Tale Of My Ruined Castle Poem by praneeth remidi

Tale Of My Ruined Castle

I have done all that I could
The possible most beautiful castle to build.
Weighed I a lot unbelievable weights
Shifted I many stones and mortars and wood
Suffered I at my feet and heart and head.

Meters near in it, took care to add barbican
Spent most on beautifying curtain-wall
Ensured conical spires on the towers
Also a well between the two stables

With the golden grills and wooden planks,
Made I in the mansion the most beautiful staircase.
Just at the end of it added I a showcase,
Ensured to equip this with the thick glass.

Best of all, this showcase has a pearls border
Toughest of all, this had the shelves of costly stones.
On the first shelf in showcase placed I my shields
Second one occupied my lines in frames
Third had many curious new secrets
Fourth and fifth had packs of passing dust

Later to completion, played I in castle's ward
Climbed on towers and saw the world
East to see the sea and west to hills
North and south were there the fields

Went out for a ride
To get a plant and a pet and a fountain
It needed me to cross a long mountain
But how can I leave my newly built mansion!

Finally Left I my beautifully built castle
My lovely castle, my hard earned castle
It started, my life's journey away from castle
I was a bird with the strongest wings
No hedges nor shackles were known to me

Every two steps of my walk, looked I back
To see my mansion
Wished it would fit in my little hug for once.
I did speed up my feet wheel
And went far away from that peel

Before steeping to the other side of hill
Thought I to give a glance at my fort
Shocked I to see the slow fall of conical spheres
Followed by towers and walls
How dare was I to see the falling of the castle!

Shakes and smokes there are clear
'Fire in my castle, some body help'
Shouted I isolated, in the desolate place
Wind was whistling while my castle was burnt
Traced back to my mansion in the shortest path
Cared not for thorns, stones nor pythons

There were plenty of water and sands
What do I do, I have just two hands
Crossing curtains of smokes, went I inner
On the staircase I saw the fire, it is in anger
'stop, you the love less fire. Who gave you the right?
As a coward you waged war at a night'. Urged I the fire.
Fire was nearing the showcase, and I too tried
Alas! The staircase had only grills and steps were burnt
Fear in head and heart got churned and churned
Held the grills but melt were they
On all the grips of wall, slicks did stay

Roofs fell walls fell, why not on me
Only one room was left but lost I the key
Searched I for the source of devastation
'That corner room holds the secret' sounded the sky.

Unbreakable was that room's lock
It was made of the most dense rock.
Key was placed in tower with a knot
But there the tower was not.

What is there in the room was,
The first wind that caught the first kindle of fire
The first shake that made rescue a dire

Searched I and marched I for the key,
Well between the stables took my efforts.

Is the key taken away by horses tied in stable?
Let me wait till the horses come
Let me wait till the key is found

Is the key fell in the well
Let me wait till summer comes
Let me wait till the well dries

May I be drenched in rain or in sweat
May I be with winter fog get wet
Wait I till the room is opened
Wait I till the secret is found

Horses have come and went
And the summer too has
But the key is not found
And the mystery remains suppressed

When the castle is withered,
Cry for self rescue is an error.
In that light less night,
Alas! At least the key I would have got,
Key of that room that held the secret.

Among all towers, I have chosen the less ruined one
Climbed high and shouted I till the sky
'Help me with the key, help me with the key'
A voice whispered from the conical spheres
'It went into the room that held the mystery of devastation'
'How can a key get into a room
which is locked by it
and when there is no opening' Asked I.
'The first wind that caught the first kindle of fire
took the key through the pores of the strong wall'
replied the sphere in a stony tone.

Withers of flowers flow onto my feet
In fear I think, what they indicate.
Scared I am, suffered I am.

Ineligible are the ruins to realign,
Unequipped too I am.
Trying to build a tomb with them
But dare not I
Shivered I am, coward I am.

With fast breathes I breathe,
With half sleeps I sleep
Awake I am, alert I am

Hills and fields are near and a shore too is,
Uninterested I am away from the ruins.
Forget not I, forward not I.

I stay in a sharp edged corner
Like a ruin among ruins.
Hah, what difference between me and them lie
I think and they do not and this is all that matter.

That night with ruins still rules
Those ruins with night still rain.
I am the imprisoned passenger in this life's journey
Hedged around by the bars of freedom
And shackles of constraints

My dear demolished castle,
When thou find me in hugs of eternal sleep,
Build back your self and gift me a tomb
As not even a speck
From ruins did escape

With the thinnest threads when comes drizzle,
In it imagine I the presence of castle.
When the thickest screens of mist drop,
Its for the castle I hope.

In the drops of dew, due is my castle ward
When the sheets of moon light on,
wish through them I see my mansion

When the stars fill the sky
When the flock of birds fly
Miss I the roof, miss I the height
When the rains and rays fall
Miss I the roof, miss I the proof.

Alone I sleep in the ruins of the castle
It is not a sleep but a fear.
Alone I walk in the ruins of the castle
It is not a walk but unrest.
Alone I sing in the ruins of the castle
It is not a song but the cry.
Alone I live in the ruins of the castle
It is not a life but the death

When the castle itself is lost
Why do I cry and try for the mystery of devastation
My Castle, my darling,
Forget not, I reiterate
On to me, as a tomb when i die
Forget not, I reiterate
Your touch at once is a treat

Debris of the devastated and ashes of the burnt
Did never stay apart
Despite all suns and clouds

Pulling legs closer to my chest
Touching my knees with my head
With buckets of clay shrunken in angry fists
Goalless I sit like a lively boat left in a lifeless desert

When passers-by ask me the tale of the ruined castle,
I grow insane and I write, they call me a poet.

Kavya . 07 February 2013

wat an amazing write...a lengthy poem but thoroughly enjoyed reading it....took me to a different world.....very brilliant use of figures of speech made in this poem....a sad n a lovely poem

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