Teacher Says, Teacher Goes Poem by Jasmine Aira

Teacher Says, Teacher Goes

Rating: 3.6

Teacher says,
teacher goes,
teacher smiles,
teacher knows,

what you have done,
was clearly a mistake,
maybe it is,
time for a break.

Teacher says,
teacher goes,
teacher smiles,
teacher knows,

that you have been naughty.
That you have been quite foughty.
That you are being rude,
don't call teacher a dude.

Teacher says,
teacher goes,
teacher smilies,
teacher know,

that you were making faces,
behind teachers back,
that you were throwing spitballs,
at the teacher's pet.

Teacher says,
teacher goes,
teacher smiles,
teacher knows.

So enough is said,
so now you know,
that whatever you do.....

Teacher says,
Teacher goes,
Teacher smilies,
Teacher knows

Macy Anne 08 November 2009

What? ? I never copied anyone!

75 63 Reply
Ravinder Malhotra 07 November 2009

The same poem is published under the name of TIDDLEY WINKS? Who copied who? Please sort it out

65 71 Reply
Josh Floyd 14 October 2008

extremely boring insulte them please it make them more interesting

58 75 Reply
Abdulaziz Hyder 11 October 2009

A good attempt to tell what we'have been doing in our classrooms all those days..! ! ! good.......... keep it up..........! ! !

93 40 Reply
Piyush 10 November 2018

Nice poem and easy also to learning it .😊

0 0 Reply

Teacher a good poem.

6 1 Reply
Sreelekha Premjit 10 September 2012

loved the feel of the poem.. teacher says, its beautifully written..

77 44 Reply
Indranil Bhaduri 05 September 2012

Love; y example of the best ones in PH. Loved it!

69 34 Reply
Raag Sapra 26 February 2010

what a poem! ! a good one really a good one

98 44 Reply
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