The Asnwer To Her Quiz Poem by Jim Yerman

The Asnwer To Her Quiz

On the day her son was born…a day of happiness and joy
the doctor came to her bedside and said, "There's a problem with your boy."

"He will never be like other boys." the doctor said
"You should think about finding him a permanent place to stay.
It will make your life so much easier…and he won't be in the way."

"I know just the place." the mother said.
Where he'll be happy and free to roam.
Then she thanked the doctor, packed their bags and took her baby home.

"You know it wouldn't be easy." the doctor said.
The mother smiled…. "Answer me this quiz:
When it comes to being easy..what life ever is? "

His teachers said it's difficult for him to learn
that he has a short attention span…
"I know." His mother smiled and said, "let's just teach him what we can."

"You know it won't be easy." the teacher said
The mother smiled…. "Answer me this quiz:
When it comes to being easy..what life ever is? "

All her life she's worried about him
as all mothers do
anyplace he ever went
anytime he started something new.

And to everyone who told her it won't be easy
she gave them this same quiz:
"When it comes to being easy, " she'd ask, "what life ever is? "

She worked to make his life meaningful
never thinking as the years passed in such a blur
that as she brought meaning into his life
he brought meaning into hers.

And though it wasn't always easy…
What life ever is?
She's glad from the beginning
she knew
the answer to her quiz.

Sunday, January 26, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: mother and child ,mothers love
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