The Beehive With Love Poem by Aine Ni Leidhin

The Beehive With Love

Rating: 4.1

Drunken nights at the Beehive bar
The new ' smoke free zone'
In our vacation paradise
So close to home.

But the ban didn't last long,
Because promptly at midnight
All the ashtrays reappeared
as if recovering from
Stage fright.

And that hindered your stay
'Don't puff in here' you say
Think of your lungs
And all that poison;

But we carried on
In resemblances
To Dragons
And never once considered your fuss
Or any future consequences.

Ivor Hogg 28 November 2007

Viva la resistance ivor aka poeticpiers Foolish laws deserve to bedisobeyed

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Chris Lane 21 February 2009

A memorable event in which inhibitions were neutralized giving rise to free speech and the exercise of free will. The Beehive With Love sounds alive and humming.

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Greenwolfe 1962 12 September 2008

This is not very much in the way of creative writing or ideas. The story is unspectacular and forgetable. Therefore I can't recommend it. GW62

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Thad Wilk 11 February 2008

Nice write Aine! Cars, boats and airplanes pollute worse, thats what they should worry about! Not cigarettes! Thanks for sharing! ! Friend Thad *10*! ! ! !

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Frank Cannon 21 January 2008

Laws enacted by idiots should always be obeyed by fools. Free will accepts consequence. Enjoyed this Áine.

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Duncan Wyllie 20 December 2007

A controversial write about the does and dont's of our society, 'The times they are a changing', but people are people, although they might not like the concept of smoking, They should also be aware of their own habits and the consiquence of them Love duncan X

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