The Bell Poem by D.N. Rebb

The Bell

I inhale one long deep breath
The air tastes stale
I choke back the mustiness
There's a certain deadness
I feel confined
Darkness all around me
What do I remember last?
There was a storm
I was heading home
Crossing the field
It was muddy
Hate getting my shoes dirty
There was loud thunder
And then I remember
The scent of char
And severe pain
Was I struck by lightning?
Though I can't see
I sense walls all around me
My elbows are touching the sides
Mere inches above my face
Something is tied to my right index finger
My left hand reaches over
It feels like a string
I notice I'm wearing a tie
Where in the world am I?
I hear voices
Though muffled
I want to scream
There's no rasp left
I want to bang loudly
All strength, though, has perished
Breathing becomes more desperate
Am I in hell?
Are the voices the demons of my sins?
I don't want them to get me
I can hear them more clearly now
They're coming for me
Sound of scraping, scratching clawing
Trapped in this suffocative hysteria
God, please, cease this pain!
With that, there is a flash of bright light
I'm blinded; yet feel pleasance
Is that Jesus's hand reaching for mine?
Why would I recognize His voice?
A silhouette blocks the light
And I realize who it is
My youngest nephew
He smiles and tells me
I was saved by the bell

I found it interesting that there is not proof that people tied a string to a deceased person, just in case they were still alive. But thought it would make a great creepy poem (Save by the bell is actually a boxing term)
Sando Hussam 08 May 2023

Timely saved 👏

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M. Asim Nehal 08 May 2023

Interesting poem, nicely conceived and executed.

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