The Curse Of The Media Poem by Raymond Farrell

The Curse Of The Media

Rating: 4.4

The curse of the media
Is this
For years
They have sensationalized
The trivial
Given credence
To the unworthy
And deliberately lied
On behalf of others
So much so that
People no longer
Know what to believe
Or how to react
And more and more
Are responding
Some with apathy
Many with cynicism
Most with a lack of trust
In anything
They hear
Propagated by the media.

Friday, June 26, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: commentary
Chinedu Dike 28 June 2021

Well expressed thoughts and feelings, an insightful piece of poetry written with conviction...

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 11 December 2015

Verily, a lot of paraphrasing, exaggeration and story making goes in the news making that deviates the matter.....10

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Kelly Kurt 26 June 2015

Nothing is safe from the media's side-show. Sports and even the weather are hyped and hawked like a three legged, bearded woman

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Raymond Farrell 26 June 2015

I agree and I like you way of putting it Kelly.

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Edward Kofi Louis 26 June 2015

Some with apathy. Nice work.

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Lyn Paul 26 June 2015

A lot of over exaggeration and repeats and often just rubbish. Yet sadly competition is fierce everything is so cut throat. Much enjoyed.

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Raymond Farrell 26 June 2015

The best thing I did was get rid of the TV.

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Raymond Farrell

Raymond Farrell

Perth, Ontario
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