The Day Roald Dahl Met Beatrix Potter...The Tail Of The Curious Mouse Poem by Shaun Cronick

The Day Roald Dahl Met Beatrix Potter...The Tail Of The Curious Mouse

Rating: 5.0

When Roald Dahl was a young boy,
His favourite storyteller he did meet.
Beatrix Potter is her timeless name,
From that moment on swept off his feet.

Her great influence she did impress,
For a young Roald he started to write.
Remembering what she did say to him,
That keen imagination shines so bright.

Many years later that boy now a man,
Putting into practice what he was told.
And thanks to Beatrix's words of wisdom,
His imagination enchant's young and old.

This is true Roald Dahl did meet with Beatrix Potter,
When he was just six years old and the rest is history.
Enchanted and imaginative shared storytelling history for all.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: imagination,meeting,roald dahl,true,truth
Mahtab Bangalee 27 August 2020

nice on Beatrix Potter and Roald Dahl the two greatest unforgettable figure of world literature....

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Dominic Windram 27 August 2020

Wonderful homage to these two titans of children's story telling Shaun. It's a two tremendous imaginations inspired ten from me!

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Belle Wassermeister 26 August 2020

Both great writers. This really is a true story? Fascinating stuff, Shaun!

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