The Devil, Wants To Be Your Friend. Poem by Michael Gale

The Devil, Wants To Be Your Friend.

Yon nestled imagery in fabled softened trees
of thy heart lit night...
Begs no indifference
to thee in unappreciative spite.

No hate or heart ache intended to thy ears...
My soul this day, I do so choose, to delay off,
all my fears.

My Lord, my God, Doth to thee, instill
a straightened truth of heart...
May obstinacy's own depravity, flee an
exiting fast paced, journeyed of it's-part.

This aching vessel, now in darkness, shall see thy righteous light...
If not for the love from God, almighty, yon plight, would, be encumbered, beyond thy sight.

This day of days were to be numbered, in life held books, of Thee...
But-If not for the might of God's encouragement, sinless men, , would never see.

The folly of their ways, lived forever-
upon this Earth...
All bad things of the Devil, was of his
unenlightened as unwanted-birth.

Pity be the fool, that listened-down, to He...
God will up end, one evil, Devil-as He be.

Unto the lake of fire....
Be the Devil-burned up, be.

For, all the rest,
Of eternity...
Will man, at last, be free-
Well-Beyond all, mentality.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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