Where money breeds power
Power breeds command
Money runs the world
They joined the most expensive schools
Not on merit but because money spoke for them
They joined expensive universities
Not because they qualified but because money spoke for them
They went to parties and discos from one club to another
They forgot they were there to study
They remembered they needed to graduate
And time was running out
They sweet talked the lecturers
And money was irresistible.
Dressed in graduation gowns
They graduated and yes they celebrated
They came out with degrees in the fields of their choice
They clearly know that they held no pen to write anything
They clearly know that they turned no page to read anything
They are graduates, the executive fools
They are placed in high positions in big companies
Not because they are qualified but because money works for them
They understand nothing about their job descriptions
They delegate everything to their juniors
They do nothing but earn the most
They bring companies down, they know nothing
They are the bosses, the executive fools
Dressed in executive suites which do not match their brains?
The products of bribery, the executive fools.
They delegate everything to their juniors They do nothing but earn the most They are the bosses, the executive fools well said....increasingly the astronomical salary of these fools is paid fro by the sweat of less fortunate ones. liked sat
The executive fools of the earth. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A powerful voice against ethical injustice. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Jazib