The Future Poem by Glen Kappy

The Future

Like the bird call
that I hear—
the unfamiliar one—

the one I follow
to a tree
then scan—

a flutter! —
blur! —
then it flies on.

Thursday, August 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: bird,future,tree
Daniel Brick 13 October 2017

This is a perfect poem of its kind, a brief poem which is pregnant with meaning. At first reading I thought the bird's flying away meant the subject was a missed opportunity. After re-reading I realized that was the message: the bird will always be elusive and we will always be alert and ready to seek it out. My task is identify those experiences so I am ready for them

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Glen Kappy 13 October 2017

interesting, daniel. i've been responding to a lot of ph comments today and came on the one above and thought, that sounds like daniel. and it was, is, you. yes, that bird like the future which we might strive to see eludes us. there's no way around it. we just have to wait till it becomes the present. good to read your comment. and thank you. -glen

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Laurie Van Der Hart 24 August 2017

The future, an unfamiliar bird call - very original. If only we could fly - maybe we could see the future better!

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Glen Kappy 24 August 2017

hey, laurie! thanks for commenting. it ever remains beyond our grasp- and maybe that's a good thing. be well! -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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