Blessed with brutal honesty
There once was a girl who always spoke the truth
Even throughout a happy childhood
And all through turbulent adolescence
She would say exactly what was on her mind
This included bullies in the playground
Shocked and surprised
Stunned and amazed
That a little girl could be so tough
Quickly backing off, knowing her bold and brave
But sometimes she just wanted
To ram them through the wall
She'd happily tell them they'd burn in hell
Or would even burn at the stake like an demonic witch
This little girl right to be furious and downright angry
But honesty can be amusing at times:
Especially when it comes to toilet humour
People laughing at her comments
People finding a level of humour
Knowing she isn't serious and just wants a laugh
Boyfriends finding her honesty refreshing
Knowing when they're in the wrong
Being told straight-up to behave
A little girl now a strong young woman
With motivation and emotional strength
She would carry honesty all through her life
What you see is what you get
Just like standing in the rain without an umbrella
Gets you soaking wet
And try to trick her: you'll have trouble, you can bet
She will always say exactly what's on her mind
She doesn't mince words, she doesn't waste time
And with her you won't walk a thin line
You get from her what you give
And in time - after saying sorry - she will forgive
Some do fear her: knowing her honesty
But honesty is the best policy
And she is a street-wise and smart woman
A woman who is a brainbox
A woman you must never shadow or double-cross.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem