'' The Good Lord Has Arrived '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' The Good Lord Has Arrived ''

Rating: 2.7

Do you exude fear or expressions of charm?
Is it you who will ultimately decide,
Will you show love or will you deride,
Or neither option can you abide.

Are you a protector or one who could harm?
Only you can make that decision,
But it must be made with precision,
Hesitation can and will cause derision.

Do you have the ability to disarm?
The faculties to make you aware,
That your skills you'd be willing to share,
Do you have the desire to care?

Does the thought of dying fill you with alarm?
If your religious ask yourself why,
Do you believe death should never apply?
Are you worried Gods promises are a lie.

Are Gods real or is it all smarm?
When it's too late to atone,
That's when it'll be known,
If it's Heaven or Hell we are shown.

Someone out there is the chief gendarme,
Over all life they have total control,
Are you next on the list that they scroll?
Is their treasure the gift of your soul?

Our planet Earth is one large farm,
Extinctions happened whilst others have thrived,
Will all life one day be revived?
If the answers yes,

‘' The Good Lord Has Arrived ‘'

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