The Hotel Resort: A Prison Poem by Paula Glynn

The Hotel Resort: A Prison

The hotel resort
A prison of sorts
First seemingly a paradise
People coming and going
Not telling the brutality
Of the reality
Souls tricked into the resort
With no awareness of why
And who controls the prison

Because for years
This resort has captured
The guilty
The killers
The rapists
The thieves
And the downright liars

To reside in a place
Evil beyond thought
Beyond belief
Beyond imagination
Beyond reality

A place far away from heaven
Having to cut short the evil day
Well before eleven
Nighttime shutting
The prionsers in their
Automatic electronic sealed cells
No luxury for these residents
Hell a place they know well
Justice to be served
Their victims on earth
Not knowing of hell
The place where monsters dwell

The resort with a swimming pool
And a popular casino
Where everyone does play and lose
The days sunny and bright
With cocktails and bikinis
A supposedly happy resort
Until it comes to night
Where the resort shuts down
With five minutes to spare
And be locked in the cells
Otherwise the residents face
An even worse hell
From dangerous dinosaurs
To rooms of hot and cold torment
And all forgotten until the next night
The devil teaching the damned
The reality of fright

Earth, heaven and hell
From mortals to angels
Demons and the devil
But all souls learn
Even those that do more than burn
The devil with an unending imagination

Because hell's hotel resort
Another trick of the light
There being a catch
When thinking one free
For pain the world to see
Wishing with all their soul
To one day be completely free
Of hell and its torture
Learning the lesson
And learning how to love
Gaining a conscience
When push comes to shove.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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