The Indian Culture Poem by abhipsa panda

The Indian Culture

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The Indian culture is very sound,
it is based upon the family background.
The bond of their relationship is such found,
that we can smell the presence like the hounds.

The Indian families are generally spiritual,
living in a joint family is traditional.
Love among each other is proportional,
the partition of property makes them emotional.

The support of the members is generous,
their affection towards us is precious,
their devotion towards us is fabulous,
these things make me feel very specious.

The strength of the family can even fight with the tide,
where sadness goes away and hide.
Where even obstacles give them the side,
being the member of such a family is my pride.

Dr Antony Theodore 07 October 2018

The strength of the family can even fight with the tide, where sadness goes away and hide. Where even obstacles give them the side, being the member of such a family is my have done a marvelous work....... astonishing that you end with the same syllable all through out...... all those who write poetry know how hard it is.. you have done it dear poetess. thank u. tony

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Abhipsa Panda 07 October 2018

A dozen of thanks to you sir for your motivating words.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 06 October 2018

Every child learns about bond of family relationships, traditions, social care, spiritual motivation and other many valuable aspects from family and Indian family teaches many more values to him or her. Very sound Indian culture has great importance in growth and development of a child and building personality. You have beautifully perceived the truth. A poem of great worth is excellently penned...10

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Abhipsa Panda 06 October 2018

There was a time Sir when it was a vacation, we used to put mattress on the floor and sleep there because the whole family used to gather.....and sleeping on the floor that time was giving us more comfort than today's personal air conditioned rooms.....We all are grown up today but we really miss those childhood days and those memories give tears in my eyes always...Thanks for getting into the emotions of the poem sir....

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Abhipsa Panda 06 October 2018

Your words of appreciation has really motivated me Sir......Yes sir...I feel that we should respect every relation and our family relations teach us that how to maintain good relations with everyone and help us to cultivate good moralities.

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