The King Upon His Throne Poem by Smoky Hoss

The King Upon His Throne

Sitting on the toilet
singing a song,
sitting on the toilet
reading a book that's long,
perhaps I've been in here
for oh, quite awile,
when I finally open the door
there's a line waiting
stretched out for a mile!

I look down upon the angry faces and smile
reminding them: I am the owner of this home,
and as the king
I've every right to sit on my own throne!

Valerie Dohren 05 February 2014

You certainly have Smoky - but maybe you should get a second throne installed to keep the ladies happy! ! Haha, good one, very amusing.

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John Brown 06 March 2014

Quite right too my friend.

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Kanniappan Kanniappan 27 February 2014

m..m..m.. nice. King's audacity! Unbearable! Keep it up!

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Patti Masterman 10 February 2014

Sometimes a funny/odd poem will come, and it is our business to record it, whatever we may think of it at the time. I'm reminded of a poem called, 'This is just to say' by William Carlos Williams. It is a snapshot of life, brief but reveals more by such brevity than by details. His honesty is the same type that you employed here, and it works equally well. The 'king on his throne' image will never grow old! (not as long as we inhabit these needy human forms, eh?)

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Dee Corpolongo 06 February 2014

SMILE! ! ! ! I am still laughing at this great poem you wrote, and on a great subject that many seem to forget! Great reminder here! ....and Happy reading!

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Geetha Jayakumar 06 February 2014

Amusing write. Very amusing lines....I've every right to sit on my own throne!

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