Tessy And The Angel Trails Poem by Smoky Hoss

Tessy And The Angel Trails

Rating: 5.0

When she was young
she loved to lay in wide open spaces,
intently gazing far away into the sky.
With a divinely silent patience
she would search the deep blue, seeking one thing.
Upon finding her treasure up there so high,
she'd gleefully shout,
' Look Daddy! There's one!
An angel trail. '
I, laying on the earth beside her,
would look up to where she pointed.
Seeing the vapor trail of a passing jet,
I would smile, and say,
' Yep! There goes another angel flying by. '

Such a simple, pure satisfaction,
the wonderful catalyst of great joy,
for her, and for me.

To this day whenever we see contrails
floating sublimely overhead,
we both say, ' Look. Angel trails. '
And I always smile,
for my daughter,
and those sweet heavenly lines in the sky,
connecting us forever together.

Kim Barney 10 January 2023

Anything that links father and daughter is a good thing. Reading this poem gives one a deeply satisfying feeling. Thanks for posting this.

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Kim Barney 10 January 2023

I remember seeing a low-budget western movie years ago. A lonely scene, out in the desert, with cowboys and covered wagons... and a contrail up in the sky.

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Smoky Hoss 14 January 2023

Way back then, they must have been angel trails!

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Bri Edwards 10 January 2023

line 2: I say use 'lie', not 'lay', though LOTS and LOTS of others would use 'lay' as well. Some verb conjugations [WHATEVER 'conjugation' means! ! ] are especially easy to 'misuse', even for ME! bri ;)

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Smoky Hoss 14 January 2023

Thanks Bri!

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Jayne Louise Davies 25 February 2023

Congratulations for POD! Well deserved x

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Richard Wlodarski 24 February 2023

POD brought a revisit from me to this ever so beautiful poem. Heartiest of Congrats on POD, Smoky! BTW, Gerard Kerouac actually experienced heavenly visions while looking up at the sky. The nuns recorded them!

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Kim Barney 24 February 2023

Smoky, heartiest congratulations! This poem well deserves the recognition of Member Poem of the Day!

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Rob Lamberton 24 February 2023

Congratulations on the recognition today!

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Rob Lamberton 24 February 2023

Time and experiences together are the best!

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