The Kite-Part 5 Poem by Deborah Cromer

The Kite-Part 5

Killed without mercy, no hope, who knows for what reason
Just left as a reminder to me always, throughout season after season
Maybe that is why, for me, for me to wonder and think
Creating thoughts and feelings down on paper with pen and ink
For a message to let you know that I was wrong
I do understand now, I don't know why it took so long
I know that beauty, life and love takes it's own time
A kite, living trees and heartfelt feelings to create this rhyme
Telling me for sure that all things are not as they seem
I didn't know it back then, you were real and not a dream
The kite could still be whole, it could be flying
Not hanging from the branch and day to day just dying
Ups and downs do come our way, but there is always tomorrow
There is always room for change, forgetting yesterday's sorrow
Freedom is good, no matter if it is in a storm or sunshine
If I knew all of this then, now you might still be mine
I lost you, you flew away, but you are still very much alive
Loving and soaring, with colors you continue to freely thrive

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Topic(s) of this poem: mystery
Deborah Cromer

Deborah Cromer

Portland, Oregon
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