The Many Colours Of Bach Poem by David Wood

The Many Colours Of Bach

Rating: 5.0

There is a silence in some
Of those famous paintings
That grace our museums.
Portraits silently looking
Back at you, what were they
Thinking while being painted?

Poetry found in the volumes
Of works that capture the
Hearts and souls who
Lovingly read them. But
It is music, particularly
Classical music, that
Vibrates the soul with colour.

None more so than Bach.
In his rich tapestry of
Music there is a palette of
Colours, a rich mosaic
That wipes over the black
And white of the music score.

Such as the rich layers of the
Brandenbergs, particularly
Brandenberg 2 with each
Instrument not only part of
The ensemble but playing
Solo in its own right adding
Colour on top of colour.

Then there's Brandenburg 5
Where the harpsichord
Takes over from the flute
And violins for several bars
Before allowing the other
Instruments back in to play.

Listening to Bach has the
Iridescence of infinite space,
The beauty of a Shakespeare
Sonnet with the awesomeness
Of Michelangelo's famous
Painting of the Sistine chapel.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: music,composition
Johann Sebastian Bach, (born March 21 [March 31, New Style],1685, Eisenach, Thuringia, Ernestine Saxon Duchies [Germany]—died July 28,1750, Leipzig) , composer of the Baroque era, the most celebrated member of a large family of north German musicians.
Anjandev Roy 22 December 2022

Brilliant representation.......thank u, dear poet...

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Sylvia Frances Chan 20 December 2022

Indeed, fascinating music by poetic musicians, so wonderfully created, I enjoyed very much your poetic ensemble TOP Score!

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David Wood 20 December 2022

Apollo's Fire do a good rendering of Brandenburg 5 and the Netherlands Bach Society on all 6 Brandenberg Concertos, all on YouTube.

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 20 December 2022

David this is wonderful Bravo! ! ! !

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Jayne Louise Davies 20 December 2022

Lovely write David x Thanks for sharing x

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