The Misfit Church Poem by Randy McClave

The Misfit Church

We are the church of the believers
And like all we all have once been used by deceivers,
We are a church of children and women and men
And we all try our best to avoid all sin.
Some of us might still smoke or curse
Maybe a man might carry a purse,
Maybe him or her are covered up with tats
And some of us are republicans and some are democrats.
Some of us are clean-shaven and some wear a beard
Some of seem very odd or difficult or weird,
And then are the some as quite as mouse
As they sit and worship in God's house.
Some of us enjoy to dress up while sitting on the pew
Some wears shorts or sweats like I do,
And not one of us can carry a tune
And of course there is some that sing like a loon.
We all are either married, divorced or single
And we love to joke and help others and mingle,
In church we break bread and we worship together
Soon we'll all be in heaven forever.
Some of us cook with propane and some cook with charcoal
Good tasty food as salvation is our ultimate goal,
We are indeed an odd family of men, women, girls and boys,
We are the church of the misfit toys.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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