The Negro Spirit Poem by Junius Barnes

The Negro Spirit

Rating: 4.5

The Negro spirit, craved with ancient marks that tell stories to their children, that deprives them from freedom.
Their eyes tell no lies, mistreated but for why? We are equal by God; there is no master but God.

The Negro spirit, strong at will, they killed themselves working in the field.
They were slaves but not by their on will. If taught to read, their kill were by the whip.
Salt on their bodies tell their will, live, and the harsh condition not only hell.

The Negro sprit was tatted by hated. Their soul powerful than earthquakes arose from love but brought down by hate.

Marvin Brato 04 February 2007

hate to admit that there are people or race who practice discrimination till now, but being colored humans (black, yellow, brown, etc) should not stop us to to exist as proud people for it is not the color that counts but how one makes of himself. Many collored people became famous in different endeavors. The poem has described vividly not only the negro spirit or passion but speaks for everyone who seek freedom. Very well-written. Thank you for sharing. write more.

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Junius Barnes

Junius Barnes

Roswell, Georgia
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