The Path To Hell! ! ! Poem by Compton Wright

The Path To Hell! ! !


Where am I everything so hot and burning
Remembering my brother’s funeral with my mother crying
Over his open casket as the tears started to flood to the floor
As I was the last one to see him in his deceased state of death
But yet his hand was still warm and still alive and well
But that was only the warmth of bullet warming the body
As his face shown a smile on his face like he’s in a better place
I couldn’t take the pain in my heart from seeing my brother dead
Overtaking painkillers and dangerously drinking alcohol
My mother worried me that I’m giving myself to the devil
Maybe my mother was right as my attempts of suicides
Didn’t work so I took the fool’s escape route out of reality
From the magnum that stained from the past blood shredded
Upon the walls and floors will show the pain for the world to see

As my eyes closes I saw the golden, holy, and graceful gates
I saw my brother waiting by the gates smiling in joy and happiness
But all of sudden things start to turn into a complete darkness
All I heard was my brother crying in sadness and despair
As I fall through the clouds seeing my wings
Turning from crystal white to dark space blackness
And my bright shinning halo transforming to rotten sharp horns
As closer and closer I saw the pit of lost tormented souls
Grabbing my skin ripping it apart, had such a impact on my brain
Showing my muscles feeling such unimaginable pain

Soon as I fell on the burning stones of Hell
As my body melts and fry but finally the pain stops
But only because the red skinned demon
With his three pointed pitchfork steaming my flesh
Inside a pot with other bodies that was also his dinner
He spoke with a demonic voice and told me
That…I was his “favorite” as he loved my anger and hate
As I almost took a life in my lifetime and how I pull the trigger
After hearing my sins through his list of sinners and nonbelievers
I was thrown in a dungeon where I get torture and worked
For all of my soul eternally as Satan as my so called God now
As I pray to god but he never response and I get tortured
Twice as longer for even mentioning in our minds and hearts
As far as we know it we are already dead to God inside out…
As I would love to say to the sinners in Satan’s list right now
God help you right now because once you’re a sinner…
You’re forever a sinner...

Walterrean Salley 17 November 2016

(The Path To Hell! ! ! - Poem by Compton Wright.) Strong, vivid images. A soul-stirring piece. Indeed, poetry is more than the happy-go-lucky pieces we love to read. Thank you. Condolences.

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Tyease Collins 12 March 2009

You are such a freakin good poet! ! This line was what I felt the most: 'Grabbing my skin ripping it apart, had such a impact on my brain' that just made me shiver...but good shivers lol -Tyease

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