The Pen Will Not Be Replaced By A Smart Phone Or A Computer Poem by Ayatullah Nurjati

The Pen Will Not Be Replaced By A Smart Phone Or A Computer

Rating: 4.2

Supposedly the pen has a spirit to provide information through feelings, intuition and ratios and all aspects of the teaching of human beings on this earth.
Through the pen, we produce Scripture, Essays, Notes, Theory and Practice from the Phases of Prophets, Philosophers, Writers, and various aspects of life from Religion, Philosophy, Literature, and Anthropology to the world of health and we can still enjoy it until now.
Although the discovery phase was in 953 AD, an Egyptian named Ma'd al-Mu'izz made a pen that was equipped with ink storage, but it can still be found that its function is more elegant than before.
Even though they have to beat the inscriptions and symbols of the megalithic phase, but in fact it is a fantastic discovery for humans in a literate culture.

Although the pen that always danced between the slender fingers when side by side with queens and concubines or indeed the strong hands of famous male philosophers and writers and poets, to be honest at this time I also started to rarely use it in my work.
But now it ranks higher among my works as a marker of human identity in his signature
Sometimes even though a smarth phone or computer is smarter than a pen, due to its neutral nature it makes the pen a tool in carrying out literacy-making activities.
I want to be a pen that is always neutral in creating a work supported by ink which is a form of identity and entity making it an important tool that is always the first choice accompanied by blank paper that has always played in all my past works.

© Ayatullah Nurjati.
Slipi. January 19th, 2022.10: 18 PM

The function of the Pen is irreplaceable by any tool in this world

bagus dan menarik

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