The Periphery Of Perception Poem by Glen Kappy

The Periphery Of Perception

Rating: 5.0

The reveille recording
from the nearby base
has bugled 7
and already from outside
the motor sounds of smaller planes
the whoosh of traffic passing
the breathy sounds of jets
much higher up
mixed with calls
of mourning doves and robins—
all this hum and bother
at the periphery of perception.

And I wonder what this says
about the really real—
wonder if the all that sucks us
from our centers—
posturings, pronouncements
of our politcians—
the "news" that feeds on them—
is like the noise
of our inventions
that I hear outside.
So often our attention
flits like butterflies—
but is the best when we alight
our slightest feathery wings
for moments come to upright rest
and in them brief awareness
of this inner witness?

Friday, May 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: morning,perception,questions,reality
Smoky Hoss 27 April 2020

What a beautiful, truth sharing and telling poem my friend. A beauty of words, clearly drawn from a sincere pondering soul. I love this one Glenn. Peace to you...

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Dr Antony Theodore 02 June 2019

So often our attention flits like butterflies— but is the best when we alight our slightest feathery wings for moments come to upright rest and in them brief awareness of this inner witness? philosophy, perception and reality. lovely poem. tony

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Glen Kappy 02 June 2019

thank you, tony. i'm liking this one myself, one of the handful l i've written since our older son passed suddenly three weeks ago in what, as it appears to us, was an accident. he was forty-two. another of them—" reset? " — is also about perception. be blessed, brother. -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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