The Refracting Poem by Claudia Krizay

The Refracting

I could reach out with one hand,
Mauve-hued in dusk’s shadows, and
Grasp the moon with my fingertips.
If I could reach beyond a rainbow, if
One could be found,
Perhaps I could even capture some ethereal star.
If I am to remain a part of this world,
Or some sort of its messenger, I must
Keep myself safe in hiding, for
The earth has been shattered where my feet were once
Steadfast- edifices are crumbling, and
Falling, falling and falling into a bloodbath.
Seared flesh of carrion and ogling eyes of the living dead
Surround burning tenements destroyed by
Earthquakes emanating from meteors afire-
Destitute and homeless I stand drenched, soaked and demolished,
By the pounding drizzle of acid rain.
My inner child is searching and groping for love, comfort and humility-
Perhaps if I could somehow find my way beyond a rainbow, and
Touch its glass-like surface, inside, my pent up rage
Would be tamed by the aura that surrounds the moon, and I would
Meet face to face with the person I know that
I was never meant to be-
Downtrodden and oppressed, or as bitter as blood exuded
By its mother fruit, although steadfast forever upon this earth.
As reeking tenements shatter and fall in a curtain before my eyes,
They shall always penetrate through the rubble.
That ethereal star I am, owning light beams that
Refract against the prismatic horizon.
This is the hour of the day when the rainbow’s reflection
Can be seen shining through the countenance of saints,
And through the tears flowing from the glazed eyes of sinners’ fury,
If you believe,
If you only would believe,
Perhaps you could plant your feet within the remains of
Shattered edifices, and weep only for the loss of your existence,
Grasp for the moon with your fingertips, and
Make contact always, with the eyes of saints and angels, and
With those of that inner child you own inside,
In yourself you would believe, you would believe….

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