The Rotation Of The World Continues Forever! Poem by Ramesh T A

The Rotation Of The World Continues Forever!

Arguments and competitions continue in suspense till results come;
But victory and defeat are not eternal to participants on events of life!
If night comes, surely day will dawn and vice versa as long as things rotate;
But instead of circling on one point, if movement is made, tension stops!

Moving forward gives new hope and confidence with better ideas to go ahead
To realize impossible dream of the past in the present and the dream of
The present one will be realized in the future with ideas new and suitable!
This is how dreams, ideas and realities of human life go forever and ever!

Due to differences of interest, opinion, pursuits and ambitions, wars go on;
After every war, there is a pause for peace to prevail over all for sometime;
Again war and peace go on like day and night, work and rest and life and death!
This is the story of man and is the world history of mankind since long on..!

Nothing is permanent in this rotating world on an axis of point fixed already
Until some other point is found out to fix it for rotation of the world forever sure!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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