The Sea Poem by Namita Rani Panda

The Sea

The sea is a measureless treasure
With its enticing gleaming golden or silver shore
Where I love to stroll leisurely on the soft cool sand barefoot
Or to peddle in the surf, feeling the wet sand slipping under my feet,
a comforting treat to tired feet
Extremely fond I'm of seashells, pebbles and stones on the shore
As each shell is an unsung song
Each pebble is an unread poem
And each stone is an unravelled story
Of forgotten frolics and fun
Or untold sorrows and suffering.
How refreshing it's to relax under the rustling palms on this perfect patch of land
And to gaze listlessly at the sublime sunrise and sunset!
How rejuvenating it's to be lulled by the ceaseless sloshing song of the sea and drift to an enchanting dream land!
How mesmerizing is the parades of fish underwater of varied shape and colour
And watch the thriving coral kingdom through the translucent turquoise water!
So thrilling are surfing, swimming, sightseeing on these blissful beaches!
Like the starry sky afar, I love to silently stare
When the Earth bares her spiked sores
And the Sea licks lovingly to heal the wounds with intense love and care
Isn't seashore an endless motion picture of picturesque views
Each scene unique, rare and evernew
In varied shape and colour,
Brilliant strokes of the greatest painter?
It has stored something for everyone for supreme pleasure,
For tourists and treasure hunters, poets and painters, explorers and expeditioners, researchers and nature lovers,
A must visit alluring destination
With its myriad mystery of flourishing flora and fauna of endless fascination.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
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