In my darkest night,
When there is no source of light
Your words twinkle like stars
That solace my soul, though afar.
In my gloomy days when I lose hope and grit,
Your lines are a grand treat
That uplift my dark spirit
And inspire me to embrace life, though bitter or sweet.
When I stumble and stagger in the path of life,
Your words hum to my heart that every hurdle is brief
And when I am distracted from my destination
Your creation guides me to follow the right direction.
From your words drops of honey drip
Which my heart gluttonously sips
With its parched thirsty lips
And I feel as if free from sin after a holy dip.
I see my tear and smile hidden in your lines
Like the salt in the water of a deep ocean,
I lose myself in your lines full of beauty
I mingle with you, an inseparable entity,
And oblivion of my existence I fall in love with your lines:
A bond so pure, unselfish and supremely sublime
The last three lines represents your selfportrait, which is a result of the knowledge there is God the Almighty and we have grown to his Being.5 Stars. for this gorgeous poem
Gorgeous poem, so full of feeling and truth. Very moving and well written, Such wonderful feelings transmits! A true, poetic gem. Deserves a very honored place in contemporary poetry. Congratulations and thank you.
If I am not wrong, God is your poet which is reflected in your expression, 'A bond so pure, unselfish and supremely sublime'...Appreciated this poem....5 stars.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
The entire poem made me spell bound.Extremely nice dear poet madam.