Dear brother, sister, can you see the light
Or is it only darkness you can view
A wretched ship that sails into the night
With only ghosts aboard to serve as crew
Each time you wish me ill or show your hate
I'll love you more by gift of God's own grace
And gain the riches born of future's fate
While you will simply add to your disgrace
My mind will flourish like abiding sea
While yours will darken like the deepest night
For I will find the fortune meant for me
While hatred keeps you from enduring light
The seeds you sow have prices that are steep
When rotten fruit is all that you will reap
A first effort. Very well done Matt. A super Shakespearean sonnet,14 lines of perfect iambic pentameter. I would love to see you emulate Francesco Petrarch or Spencer. These are the variations in rhyme schemes, each of which makes the sonnet the flagship of formal poetry.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
It is indeed a very fine Sonnet and full of deeply felt content. I have submitted translations of the French poetess Louise Labe's Sonnets. These are mainly in the Petrachian Form as Thomas refers below. You handle the Shakespearean form with remarkable control. It is by no means the easiest form, so Well done! Tom Billsborough