The Trees, Our Companions Poem by Daniel Brick

The Trees, Our Companions

Rating: 5.0

The trees stand upright
like us, standing is our common
posture, and their branches
like our arms stretch out,
penetrating the middle air
or more obscurely, stretch up,
as we do when we invoke a power
beyond our own... And rootedness
which is their metier gives us
another metaphor, or is it
an aspiration? To feel so completely
at home in a particular place,
to find our feelings echoed by
the space we claim as ours.
Of course, they make no claims,
not on us, for sure, but also not on
Mother Earth. Isn't the interplay
of roots and dirt a beautiful thing
to contemplate? It is the moving
downward to chthonic depths,
with roots knitting a unity
of depth and surface
we witness and applaud.

From my balcony I see
two trees and metaphors
multiply. They are sentinels
of the yard, they are priests
blessing the small animals
which scurry over and around
them. They are pillars of a vast
open temple which upholds the sky
it worships. They are soldiers
at attention committed to protecting
this garden space. They are friends
of my heart and their conversation,
so sweet when breezes fan their leaves,
becomes profound in the night air
and quiets whatever remains of day.

Thursday, May 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Bharati Nayak 28 November 2016

The trees and their rootedness, trees as pillars holding the sky, trees as committed soldiers protecting our garden space- - - wow- -I love every line of this poem.Surely it will go into my favorite list

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Daniel Brick 28 November 2016

Yes, trees are so close to us, they are our closest neighbors. There are two big trees in front of my balcony; i greet them lkke friends every morning. They inspired this poem! I'm very happy the podm spoke to you! !

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Dimitrios Galanis 24 May 2016

I found the whole conception, dear Daniel, marvellous.It recalls me the unity I sometimes feel with the surrounding nature.The metaphors you used make the trees around us unities of the universe, at least of our planet, equal important as us humans.So the sense is a duty to be humble, we should not be the tyrants of the earth!

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Liza Sudina 12 May 2016

Yes, trees have a special gift to calm us down. Tsvetseva had a special cycle of poems dedicated to trees. it is close in meaning. Isn't the interplay of roots and dirt a beautiful thing to contemplate? - very hot lines.

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