The Trunk Poem by ANJANDEV ROY

The Trunk

Rating: 5.0

I see in amazement
Everybody climbs the big tree
Without any difficulty,
They are extremely pleased
And rightly so they should be,
The tree also accepts them gleefully,
But I fail to climb it,
Though I try my best,
Still I miserably fail again and again,
I can't understand the reason,
Indeed I definitely feel that
I am truly worthy of it,
Why does the great tree deprive me?
What does it think about me?
Such questions occur in my pensive soul,
But I don't get the answer of these,
I hold the trunk of the important tree
And cry in extreme pain and agony,
But nothing fruitful happens,
The heart of the famous tree seems to me very cruel and ruthless
Like its hard and unyielding trunk.

Saturday, October 19, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: agony
Bri Edwards 25 February 2020

" The heart of the famous tree seems to me very cruel and ruthless" again, i don't understand what " tree" symbolizes. Religion? Life? Marriage? Government? The latest diet? ? bri :) written well, but the meaning eludes me. maybe you wish the reader to be able to use the meaning of 'tree' which helps her or him?

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 19 October 2019

A fascinating poem. There are things in life that we could never have, despite how much we want them.

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