Oh boy how i wish i could just go back to being ignorant
Atleast then i'd be happy
They say it is bliss, ignorance
The veil has been lifted off my face and i can see clearly
My body shadders and my stomach shrivels
I don't like what i see, it makes me sad, angry and scared
Did i not see this coming? how could that be?
It underlines every part of my being
I try to shake it off
I rub my eyes repeatedly hoping that it will dissapear
My head spins and i feel sick to my stomach
I vomit all the lies i'd fed myself
The lies that had nourished my soul
Finally the truth manifests
The truth sinks in and it tastes like acid to my mouth and is as hard as Stone to my stomach,
It sobers me up from the lies that had me drunk
Finally the truth sinks in and everything falls into place
Elizabeth Jacqueline Mpanga
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
See....you have two onlookers already....and Yoonoos leaves short but deep thoughts himself....but loving just the same...he is pleasing to have as a friend: O)