'' The Will Of Our Great People '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' The Will Of Our Great People ''

For centuries now our nations,
Have defended against attack,
Woe betide our aggressors,
When we start fighting back.

The Japanese in forty one,
Attacked your naval fleet,
They thought that this would bring you down,
They thought you could be beat.

But you rose up from the ashes,
To the Battle of Midway,
You sent them home to think again,
My God, they were made to pay.

The Germans bombed Britain ruthlessly,
They thought we would give in,
But we fought on and won the day,
It was a battle we knew we'd win.

Together with our world allies,
We eventually won the day,
Evil died and goodness thrived,
There was no other way.

Just now we have the terror groups,
Committing cowardly acts,
I think it's time we furnished them,
With some grass root basic facts.

Your murderous ways kill innocents,
Then you say you feel such pride,
Believe me when you meet your God,
There'll be no place to hide.

The main mistake you cowards make,
Is to underrate our will,
You are jealous of our comradeship,
To you that's a bitter pill.

When you commit your evil deeds,
It's Satan who is your mentor,
For when it comes to judgement day,
It's his Hell that you will enter.

If you face the facts presented,
Then you must surely know,
Your evil will never triumph,
While our spirit will forever grow.

This bond we have is so unique,
In brotherhood we are seated,
Aas defenders of democracy,
We will never be defeated.

The moral of this story is,
Better than you have tried,
But like the scum before you,
Every one of them has died.

You may bomb our planes and buildings,
Bring down our tallest steeple,
But there's one thing you will never destroy,

'' The Will Of Our Great People ''

‘' The Will Of Our Great People''
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