The Wish Poem by Lodigiana Poetess

The Wish

Rating: 5.0

Time passes and worlds fall apart.
Loves grow and die, feelings change.
We look the same but differently and no one sees....
Smile, keep going..don't rock the boat.
Don't let the world outside, into your grief.
At night cry quietly, don't stain the pillow.
In the morning cold water heals puffed eyes...
If pain were would feel warmth, cocooned, loved...
No one would look beyond you.
You talk to yourself in the car, admonish those who have hurt you beyond measure, and cry burning tears of anger.
Then put back on the mask of 'I'm ok' 'no problem here'
Every second that passes, more of your spirit is crushed.
less and less of your loving heart loves.
More and more of your kindness and sweetness dissipates...
until one day, with a void for a soul, a shell for a spirit,
you know the only options are obvious.....
A choice to permanently leave life and it's torment, or
leave the torment and this life......
Bags packed, no one home, notes written, small plan formed,
walk through the door one last time and leave the emotionless void behind.
No one will understand, you will be vilified.
Your hope is that they will recognise after you are gone how they are culpable..but you know deep inside that wont happen...
You will always be the villain......
You dream of finding a love to protect you and hold you,
Of finding a new family with kids who will love you back with the same depth you love them.
A family who will smile when you come into a room,
who will phone for no reason other than to hear your voice....
To give you an unexpected squeeze that says 'I love you! '
And ask how your day has been and listen to your reply.
To know and care if someone has hurt you and immediately be your protector.
To see the most insignificant of things and know that because you might like it they will buy it for you,
so they can rejoice in seeing you smile...just as you smiled when you made the ones you loved most happy.
To love you.... just love you... truly love you,
With no boundaries or automated responses and to let you love them, the way that you want them to love you in return........
A silent, forlorn, longed for, wish........

The Wish
Friday, December 1, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: emptiness,loneliness,longing,sadness,wish
Secret sadness exists all around...hidden, disguised camouflaged
Shaun Cronick 14 May 2020

Lodgiana this is so beautifully written and expressed. I completely forgot the title of it until I reached its end. I didn't want it to stop so captivated and swept away in your writing. Albeit sad yet with ray of hope at its conclusion. 10++ and added to my hope shines eternal and dreams can come true locker. Stay well and many thanks. Shaun. x

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Thank you so much Shaun, I often wonder how much sadness is hidden so deeply we never suspect it....your words as always are so uplifting and thanks x

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