There's A Place Poem by Richard Wlodarski

There's A Place

Rating: 4.7

There's a place in the green green grass of home
Where I strive to be in unity
Where the river finds its home
And I know I'll never be lonely

There's a place in the sun
Where always there's lots of fun
Where only positive memories reside
And in all honesty there's nothing to hide

There's a place where you and I meet
In the infinity of yesterday today tomorrow
And life goes on without anymore sorrow
And once again we will greet

There's somewhere within tomorrow and yesterday
Where we meet with the uncertainty of today
And we'll empower ourselves and move towards tomorrow
And with time to borrow forget about yesterday's sorrow

There's a place in the space of your infinite mind
Where you discover the child within
And become forever young again

Saturday, November 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,happiness,love,memory,peace,tranquility ,unity
Hazel Durham 30 January 2018

Wow! I love this stunning write with so many inspired lines and a gift for amazing insight into our fragile minds, emotions and a forever wanting of chldhood joy the gift of freedom!

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Richard Wlodarski 01 February 2018

Hazel, I am humbled and flattered. Thank you so very much!

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