This Indeed Is Poem by Sadiqullah Khan

This Indeed Is

"Fihi ma fihi",
Did you read this before,
It is what it is
Or what else it could be,
Much more, and it was.
This was the teacher.

This is what it is,
And is not what it is not.
For the voices,
And that,
I have put words on fire.

This indeed is,
The unlettered saint
Cum wanderer
Heeding the iconoclast's
Blow, with the cynic's
Sharp blade.

This indeed is the log,
Thrown out.
Let it catch fire itself,
Let it burn in own ash.

I have gone deeper
Down the ocean,
Swimming back, to
My own sky.

The sun shines above,
Far more brighter
Far more near.

Hold your chin high,
May the full moon fall
In your palm.

Sadiqullah Khan
May 28,2014.

"I like to think of literature and painting as something that continuously changes its frame of reference; non-working as outside/beyond such a frame of reference to what we like to see as a meaningful work; non-working asks what is meaningful work; non-working presents the continuous dialogue we engage with, as in "it works, it doesn't work, it works, it doesn't work…"; non-working as the inevitable failure of this show; and to make it five, non-working as something we thoroughly enjoy and still pursue with gusto." Hendrick Wittkopf

Non-working by Hendrick Wittkopf @ 3: Am Magazine. Whatever it is, we are against it. Blog

Saturday, June 7, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love and art
Thank you Kanwal Amjad. This was a difficult composition. You know that Fihi ma fihi is Rumi's book, and means 'It is what it is' so the reference to the teacher. I had once written about my book, as ‘this is what it is and is not what is not'. For a while I felt it too realistic. And so is putting words on fire. 'I have put all my loves there, I have put words on fire'. The next is reference to Shams Tabriz, unlettered, although he was very literate. An iconoclast and a cynic (cynic according to R.A.Nicholson) . When Shams was being initiated into his spiritual path, one of his teachers had remarked that ‘put him aside like a log, so that he catches fire himself'. The deeper sea, and coming out with ‘own sky', is again Shams Tabriz. The last two stanzas are Shams Tabriz's dialogue with a theologian, who was looking down to see the reflection of sun. The last sums up the ‘the moon in the palm', as the state of elation.
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