Tight Thigh Holders Strapped To Stomach Wraps Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Tight Thigh Holders Strapped To Stomach Wraps

One 'chronologically' aging,
In years that clearly appear.
With a slow pacing done.
And the carrying of aches and pains...
As the usual 'identifying' suspects.
Reveals no aspects of an acceptance yet.

And the effects of this...
Has not yet affected a reflected maturity.
None to speak of nor that is obvious.
An awaiting presence of it will not surprise...
In an overnight appearance.
Or come in disguise as an adult,
With wisdom seen in experienced eyes.
Experience, adulthood and maturity...
Sometimes are in conflict.

Many on the threshold of chronologically aging,
With that rapid sagging muscle look...
Are in denial about the process.
And seek to have time stand still...
By displays of irresponsibility.
With needs of centerstage attention.
And praise accompanied by accolades.

'Don't you like attention,
No matter how old you are? '

But I don't crave it.
I just know how and when to get it.
That's the difference.

Some folks 'whine'.
But I don't need to do that to get mine.
I like to think my tactics have been refined.
Without the need for ointments, braces...
Or tight thigh holders strapped to stomach wraps.
Thank God I am still naturally attractive! !

James Mclain 26 May 2010

and yes, 'dad you are you yes always were it is clear as the smile on your face that even in sleep never disappears...iip

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