Time And Space Poem by Luz H.

Time And Space

Rating: 3.8

Sitting here alone at night
writing for all yet for none
whispers of multitudes
come and go through my mind

Searching for time that has gone
gone from my hands
gone from my days here on earth

Each second gone
takes with him
my breath
my time
my life

Sitting here naked
for all to see
revealing my soul
without an apology

Stone me if you must
curse me if you dare
but don't ignore my plea

A plea for acknowledgment
to show me that you see
that you see me
occupying time and space
in this here Galaxy

For when I'm gone for ever
there will be no trace of me
no flesh, no bone, no sound
just thoughts and words
of me.

Elena Sandu 20 May 2019

Sigh, moisten eyes reading this beautiful share. The poets with their huge courage to reveal own souls, seedling rows of words on other people's souls. I think sometimes words could be more precious than diamonds. You managed to touch my soul again, thank you dear poet!

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Luz Hanaii 20 May 2019

Thank you for your beautiful poetic comment, it means a lot, dear deep soul. 🌹

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Akhtar Jawad 16 September 2018

When I see time and space are infinite I believe in infinity. A thoughtful poem.

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Allemagne Roßmann 26 August 2011

Spatil and temporal collaboration in your sublime verses...Well done.

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Matthew C. L. Pratt 19 July 2011

I like the advocation of spiritualism, it's very scary to think that we are merely matter, and there's nothing else.

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