To Normandy....! (3) Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

To Normandy....! (3)

Rating: 5.0

To Normandy….! (3)

We had a wonderful night in Amiens
and had a nice breakfast,
The host is in very good spirits.
Coffee in France always tastes Great!
The French baguette or chocolate baguet too.

On the way in Ste-Mére-Eglise we stopped at three older ladies
who jointly have a Charity Organization office

They offered us to park in their spacious yard
and then they want to help us
because then we are not a hindrance for traffic.

They explained to us very sweet and clear about the route
As a certainty they gave us a copy
of their road map

thank you very much we continued our journey
we are nothing further in terms of kilometers,
an hour and a half longer in time!

But now we also have what we missed on the road map (GPS)

© Sylvia Frances Chan - All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, August 26,2020
2: 26 PM in Helleville, Normandy, France

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
After we thank them very much we continued our journey
we are nothing further in terms of kilometers,
an hour and a half longer in time!

But now we also have what we missed on the road map (GPS)

© Sylvia Frances Chan - All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, August 26,2020
2: 26 PM in Hellville, Normandy, France
Kumarmani Mahakul 28 August 2020

Nice breakfast you had there and nice visit was printed in memory. Wonderful night in Amiens sung a nice song of your journey and next day had greeted you. Coffee in France always tastes Great and you tasted nice coffee there. Giving a road map to you, they explained you in better and sweet way about the same route. With joyous mind you continued your journey kilometres after kilometres. Excellent journey poem! ..10

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Kumarmani Mahakul 28 August 2020

This is so nice that your youngest son and his wife invited you to visit your grandson during their holidays. Near the boarder of France you had a dinner in a small village called Nazareth. Nice experience you gained with much affection there. The coast of Normandy witnessed your 900 Kms journey. There around 400 years old farmhouse you visited. Interesting experience of your visit is beautifully expressed in excellent poem.10..@***

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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