To The Hated Terrorists Of The World Poem by Daya Nandan

To The Hated Terrorists Of The World

You recruit and poison so many young minds,
With many seductive lies that easily blinds,
You talk them into violence and corrupt their souls,
You make them puppets for achieving your political goals,

You distort the true meaning of religions to play your game,
You spill the blood of innocents without any guilt or shame,
You plant the seed of evil that sprouts into terrorism,
The evil within that evokes only senseless barbarism,

You breed hatred and discrimination within many hearts,
You evoke fear in people that shatters communities to parts,
You give a bad name to all the religions that you distort,
You promote hate and war like it is some kind of sport,

You are like a virus that keeps infecting innocent minds,
Spreading the ideas of hate and evil to as many as it finds,
A malignant cancer that keeps on growing within,
That fills minds with new ideas and ways to sin,

For all that you have done and all that you will do,
The people of the world will rise up and put an end to you,
Beware you hated terrorists for your time will eventually come,
For justice will seek and punish all you useless scum!

Monday, February 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: hatred,terrorism
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