To You Only I Tell This Poem by Pranab K Chakraborty

To You Only I Tell This

Rating: 5.0

When Ocean danced madly
With wild wind
Hundreds of km. per hour
When inhabitants ran away
With primitive passion
For sheltering themselves
Out of danger

With astonishment
I felt
The tyranny of my soul within
Devastating violence uprooted me
From the conventional idea of human origin
Felt cryingly
Nothing on the surface marked strong by human
Except cruelty of our own
Except pleasure of our own
Except expansion of our own

And again when snow-flakes
Throughout the night
Covered the surroundings
Rooftops, Green trees, lakes, mountains
Everywhere white the hazard hangs peacefully

I felt
The tranquility of my soul within
Felt the white womb of infinity
Where could I never detach myself from
Warm eternal pleases time endless
No addiction of any lab agents
Human bringing achieved long yet
Could intoxicate so long with warmest trauma
Except love to reject
Except revenge to anchor
Except torture to enshackled submission!

Pranab k c

Sunday, October 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
Kumarmani Mahakul 08 October 2017

We witness that ocean dances with madness. Primitive passion of wind whispers. Devastating violence is uprooted and favour of humanity is rooted with fragrance of values. In tranquility soul fees real identity. Warm eternal wisdom pleases time endlessly and no addiction touches mind. An amazing and brilliantly penned poem is shared here.10

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