Traumatic And Perceived Drastic Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Traumatic And Perceived Drastic

And perceived dramatic.
With changes done.
To come and to discover them,
Much too overwhelming.
And stunning when they come.
Are seldom without their warnings.

When life is lived,
From Sunrise until that Sun sets.
This activity becomes,
Just another accepted process.
Like air to breathe.
Inhaling to exhale,
A cycle of breath.
Continuing on.
Until this stops with death.
Creating our emotions,
Shaking our beliefs to deny.
For whatever reason,
Find this process to witness...
Unable to expect.

Changes made and forced to do,
Many choose to refuse them.
Unless those changes,
Come as a choice to select...
From which changes they will pick.
Then compare with others,
If a decision made...
Prevents excuses.
Or claim a decision had been a mistake.

Effective changes,
Have their way to warn.
Like a weatherman does.
Announcing to everyone,
To prepare for a threat...
Of an approaching storm.
Like many accustomed to ignore such threats,
Few will stop to consider or realize...
What for them comes next.
Or anticipate with a being pro-active.
Something seldom,
Those who take life for granted...
Not often think about or stop to do.
Especially if they have been entitled,
To live a life doing...
Protesting everything they refuse to accept.
Like truth.
And the reality of it!

"They were warned these changes were coming.
And not overnight.
Months they were given to prepare!
What has happened to their minds? "

-Movies. TV.
And delusions to fantasize,
Whatever they see and made to believe...
Becomes cemented in their minds.
And reality and the truth of it,
Are just concepts to define...
What it is to accept.
Especially if the ratings are high.
And which products are advertised,
Marketed to find at a mall.
Quick to install in their heads-

"There you go,
Being cynical and sarcastic."

-I know.
Truth has a way,
Of being criticized.
To reject as being,
Negative and offensive.-

If you know that,
At least try to be more positive."

-I thought I was? -

"I'm talking about,
With less observation."

You mean like this?
With my eyes closed? -

Sunday, December 13, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: commentary,observation
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