Twist Of Education Poem by Emmanuel Joseph Olumakiss

Twist Of Education

Is this fallacy or fact?
Unlike we were told in the past
They said being educated is the best
Most reasons our fathers sold their asset
Trading and craft we bypass
All heading to the class
We only read to pass
Having certificate only one thing we chase
They said we would be nobody if we don't read
That we would be blind and won't succeed
That our names could be buried underground
The passage of life we won't be allowed
They said our ignorance will know no cure
And our future isn't secure
That our brain won't function at all
Our life would be full of flaw
Without education they said our needs will be hard to cough
And on our side life will be tough
That our thought will always stink
And our hope seat on the brink
That our light is nothing but dim
And it will be hard for us to win
They said we wouldn't rise to fame
Like this they said we will forever remain
Our mothers dispose their gold
Our fathers slept on the cold
Many of our valuables we sold
To grab education from time of old
Am afraid of this truth once told
Our educational system has finally fold
Our future the government loan
Nook and cranny unemployed graduates roam
In our land the educated is considered poor
The uneducated live a flashy life and still has enough.

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