Ukraine-Russia War - Stop The War And Cling To Peace. Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Ukraine-Russia War - Stop The War And Cling To Peace.

Cling to Peace
Cling to peace for peace is supreme
peace is existence
peace is humanity's allotment.

Sway with compassion
sway with respect for human lives
for, war yields unworthy disharmony and devastation
war wields hatred and hostilities,
war destroys world peace and unity.

Retract the steps of vengeance
retract the arms of pursuits and plunder
for, human life is more precious than a diamond
if a diamond is lost, you can find another
but if one human life is lost, it is lost forever.

Give back the right of existence to people
give back the serenity that belongs to a nation
for, when every hour a bomb explodes
and a gun shot fired, a life gets lost
an apartment or a house gets damaged or demolished
it makes families homeless or makes them flee in fear
when the country, the patriotism, the land, the water
the vivacity belongs of that nation belongs to them.

So stop the war and cling to peace
sway with compassion and let survival prevail
retract from the war and respect safety of people
give back to your nations the peace they deserve.

Ukraine-Russia War - Stop The War And Cling To Peace.
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