Unexpected Action Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Unexpected Action

You more to me mean,
A ray of hope.
And that dawn I awaited,
To emerge from an horizon...
Darkened by delusions invited.
Limited to images.
Worshipping symbols,
Deception idolizes.

More to me mean,
Someone's depiction...
Of what beauty is,
To interpret in a way...
With my mind left captivated.

Have a presence I know,
Sparkles deeper underneath...
Than what you allow.
And permit to expose.
To leave me left...
Sitting where I am.
Unable to stand.
Without me witnessing,
Your eyes refusing to believe...
How prepared I am for action.

With you,
That action...
I did not anticipate.
Nor expect the effect,
To announce itself.
In a way I would be,
Too embarrassed to stand.
And introduce myself.

'Are you here...alone?
Do you mind if I join you.'

You want me tormented.
You want to hear my screams,
Of passion being released.

'I can wait to find,
Somewhere else to sit.
I see you are...
Involved! '

No no no no.
Please. Please sit with me.
I was just finishing my prayer.
Asking God to free,
And release this...
Sudden disability I have.

'I can not believe you.
I am a 'Healer'.
I'll put my hands on it.
Where is your disability?
Works in the most mysterious,
Of unexpected ways.'

You have no idea,
How this way for you...
And me too.
Is going to be,
What neither one of us...
Could have expected.

Now take my hands.
And place them gently,
Upon your disability.
I'll rub slowly.
Then tell me...
What it is you feel. Okay? '

Yes. Yes.
I have never ever...
Had it like this before!

My goodness.
I understand,
Why you were not able...
To stand up.
This one muscle on your thigh,
Is cramped up.
And I thought...
Your being in agony,
Was just a tease.
Trust me...
You are going to be fine.'

I hope you can handle it.

Loosen up.
Don't be so tense.'

Words to hear.
As if from me they came.

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