Unknown Humanitarian Destination Poem by Rose Kanana

Unknown Humanitarian Destination

Rating: 4.9

I boarded the flight
Uncertain of my destination
Uncertain of my safety
The zeal for what lay ahead proved important than me
Saving a life was not an option for me

Was i selfish to my family?
Was i selfish to myself?
Was i selfish to my love?
I had a greater mission ahead.
Saving a life was not an option for me

They spoke not my language, I spoke not their language
We spoke the language of humanity-this, we understood best
They profiled me, i profiled them
We profiled each other, the cement of trust was cast
Saving a life was not an option for me

I asked for a peek into their plight
They opened their wounded hearts
They opened their close to empty houses
They exposed their vulnerability-without an iota of shame
Saving a life was not an option for me

Empathetic i was
Confidentiality i promised
We both ached -I found a home far from home
I called it a program, i called it a project
Saving a life was not an option for me

Saturday, August 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: anxiety
Eliza Mwendwa 07 August 2016

Wow, it sounds so real to some of us. Good work

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Rose Kanana 14 August 2016

I am sure you identify with the feeling..thanks

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Halima Ibrahim 10 August 2016

This is truly an amazing poem! . I like the fact you discribed it sincerely and that's what makes it so unique. We spoke the language of humanity this line it's self is powerful so is the whole poem. Life's refelection teaches allot in many ways but you made it more beautiful trough this poem. Thanks for sharing your poems with us as it also refelects many of us. Keep writing✍👍

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Edward Kofi Louis 22 August 2016

They spoke not my language! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Zwelethu Siwaphiwe Shweni 07 August 2016

Wow nice poem! Thank you for sharing. I just loved your work!

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Elena Sandu 04 November 2016

Brilliant share, thank you, wish I could know why saving a life was not an option, could it possibly be it one of the rules? The echo of that line is very strong, to my soul feels like a cover for the whole poem...

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Christopher Tye 07 September 2016

Wonderful poem, sometimes we don't know the destination but we know we must start the journey.

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Nancy Majau 01 September 2016

Lovely and creative..you just summarized a project in a poem? great.

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James Mwenda 24 August 2016

I love the appreication of the common language that you speak- humanity.10 points from me

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Collins Waswa 23 August 2016

I can identify with this feeling soooo much Rose. I like your guts you lead others follow-you should thank God for this gift this poem resonates your work as a humble humanitarian worker.

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