Spare Us Your Lies Poem by Rose Kanana

Spare Us Your Lies

Rating: 5.0

With pomp and style we are entering a new era
We have pimped our vehicles
We have painted the vehicles- attractive
We have sewn the campaign regalia
We are gearing for a rigorous era
Shhh remember children are watching you
Shhh remember our ears aren't deaf

Spare us the vulgar words our dear politicians
Spare us your public mud slinging
Spare us your lies
For what we need is the delivery of services
That is why we cast our vote for you
You will spend every dime to lure us into your camp
Like sheep we will be immersed into your vain talk

Why are we this gullible in this era of civilization?
As you pick that microphone dear politician
Know that we so much look up to your word
Know that the society holds you accountable
Tell us what you will deliver for Wanjiku
Spare us your lies
Don't drain our taxes into campaigns
For we still have cancer to grapple with

The history we read stated that by 2015 all households will have tapped water
It is now 2016 we still carry water cans on our fragile backs
Tell us of good governance
Let those who have been working give us a profile of their action
We need no insults to those that labor
We need no perennial pomp

We are happy that you will feed idlers
We are happy that the youth will have perennial jobs during campaigns
But remember good governance is what we cry for
Remember that vanity is discouraged in Holy books
Dear madam-sir politician listen to your inner voice
Before you voice your words in public.

Friday, September 9, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: political utopia
Political satire is pronounced.We are getting into a heated political moment and there is need to hold leaders accountable
Subhas Chandra Chakra 09 September 2016

We are happy that you will feed idlers We are happy that the youth will have perennial jobs during campaigns But remember good governance is what we cry for Remember that vanity is discouraged in Holy books Dear madam-sir politician listen to your inner voice Before you voice your words in public. Beautiful socio-political message delivered in a nice poetic style. Great skill Rose. Thank you for sharing it timely. Subhas

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Rose Kanana 10 September 2016

Thanks for your complement and comment Chakra.

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Ruth Nyokabi 09 September 2016

A very powerful message and timely Will they listed to the cry? Thanks for sharing Rose.

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Rose Kanana 10 September 2016

Lets hope that a few sane ones will listen.Thanks Ruth

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Dedan Onyango 09 September 2016

Madam poet, if feel energized With your carefully chosen words the zeal is rejuvenated to speak ill of this political sycophancy Thank you for adding your voice in this political quagmire Please do not tire!

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Pratanu Banerjee 14 February 2021

Truly awesome poem

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me poet yeps poet 02 January 2021 are a topper went to mount Everest to search returned saw you at sea level in 2021 same as ME LOL PH

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Patrick Jomo 17 January 2020

Rose, You've addressed the deceit by our leaders and the plea of a common voter. It's time we stress on commitment and accountability from the leaders we elect. Good work!

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Sarah Shahzad 05 December 2019

That was brilliant. Absolutely loved it, pls pleez do comment/ review/ write your thoughts on my to..

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Mysia Hayling 12 April 2018

very thought provoking poem that speaks to reality of today. a very interesting poem. thanks for sharing

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