Venom In My Mind Poem by Jessica Elizondo

Venom In My Mind

The venom rushes through
my veins, my heart races,
your haunting smile stuck in
my mind. I'm on the ground,
drowning in my own sweat.
The pain is peircing through
my body, stinging every part
of me. 'Ahh! ' It drives me insane!
Tick tock, tick tock, my mind
wonders as I watch the clock.
After nights of whiskey and
regret, I still couldn't get you
out of my head yet. What else
is left of me but realization of my
tourchured dreams come alive?
Take that knife and finish what
you've finished, dear. All were lies
as you smiled and looked in my
eyes, wern't they? Don't bother to
cover your tracks, I already know.
My eyes now bloodshot, the venom
flows deeper into my veins, a few
more moments and it will reach my
heart, the whole reason that tore us
apart, it fell for you, guess it has a
knack for lying, beautiful eyes,
and now as I lay here, in the cold,
shivering in my sweat, I see through
you now babe, my smile couldn't
be bigger, I now know it all, what will
never be, 'ahh! D***it*' And I'm forgetting
you....but it's not easy. Now if you
will kindly get out of my dreams.

[*wakes up*] 'D***it........'

Serenity Prayer 31 January 2009

'now if you will kindly get out of my dream'- thats exactly what i felt like yelling that one night whenever i dreamed of him. great job.

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