Waiting Poem by Julie Anjani


Rating: 5.0

Heart of happiness so passionately dreams
Where is the long-awaited my only
Where and in what regions he lives
I should live alone how longly?

I will drive away sadness from soul's home
I believe that will come happiness
By a thrilling tender hope I will warm
The waiting heart that is a restless...

Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: alone,feelings,poem,poems,heart,hope,love and dreams
Jazib Kamalvi 16 June 2020

Write comment. Such a beautiful start, Miss. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

2 2 Reply
Yuliya T 18 July 2020

Dear Jazib Kamalvi, thank you for the first response to my debut poem on PoemHunter. It is very important for a beginner to know that her first modest work, like a small grain of sand, did not get lost and did not go to the bottom in the ocean of great poets' masterpieces, but was noticed, read and received a positive assessment..

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Jami Peyton 25 June 2020

I think it is beautiful

2 1 Reply
Yuliya T 18 July 2020

Thanks, Jami

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Putri Misnia Shary Bahri 19 April 2024

Very meaningful 5 star's

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Julie Anjani 30 May 2024


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Dennis Ryan 22 May 2023

I meant to write that I too have written poems about waiting. And waiting is a difficult experience to live through.

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Dennis Ryan 22 May 2023

After reading your poem "Awakening" I wanted to read a second, this is one. I too have written poems

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Soul Mate 30 June 2020

Lovers shall meet, hope to realize my dream soon

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Tamara Beryl Latham 30 June 2020

Your thoughts are wonderfully romantic. Keep writing! Congratulations on POD.

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